PULS study support
The PULS study support is your point of contact at the faculty. We offer confidential advice on all questions, problems and conflicts related to your study situation.
We are happy to offer you individualized, confidential advise on any issues, conflicts, or decisions relating to your studies. A personal discussion with us may help you to develop concrete solutions. If the issues involved are too specific, we can put you in touch with the appropriate office. Schedule an appointment with an advisor.
Study skills
Our workshops and talks provide you with practical tools to overcome the challenges you'll be facing during your studies. They give you the chance to reflect on your own study habits and hone skills that are relevant to your studies and future career. They are also an excellent opportunity to network with students from other subject areas.
The quality of our study programmes
In cooperation with the Dean of Studies, the Office of Quality Assurance, and the Faculty's students and instructors, we are constantly striving to improve the quality of our programmes. When it comes to evaluating programmes and courses, your opinion is important to us. What do you think is working well? What do you think needs to be improved? We appreciate your ideas and feedback.
Friederike Weismann
Faculty advisor for teaching and learning
Email: puls.kuwi@uni-bayreuth.de Phone: +49 921 55 4110
E-mail: puls.kuwi@uni-bayreuth.de
Office: GW II, Room 1.23
Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9-10 a.m. (and by appointment)
Mailing Address:
PULS Study Support
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
University of Bayreuth, GW II
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth GERMANY